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House Concert: The Tavern

Brooklyn T's, 4795 Rinconada Drive, Santa Rosa, CA

 A night of songs and poetry focusing on dusting out the cobwebs of our souls and noticing where we are in life. The poet Rumi says in his poem the tavern that our life on this earth is like we are all drunks in a Tavern waiting for whomever brought us here to take us home. This concert will speak of the lighter things in life and celebrate this "prison for drunks." : )  Click Link for Tickets.  PLEASE PREPAY FOR TICKETS.  No tickets available at door.

$10.00 and bring a bottle of wine

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It has been a long time since I have been back to this site with an update.  As many folks know, I lost my home in the Tubbs fire in 2017.  All my guitars, recording equipment and demos/recordings for a new solo record were lost.   I always kept writing and accumulating new material including a book of poems but didn't have the energy to put anything out there. Recently I was having dinner with my good friend and fellow Five A.M. musician Zach Hammer and he told me it was time to get back out there. With over 40 songs to go through Zach and I are forming a new band project called Small Star Saints.  A new show and record will be out in 2024.  I will have a new website for the project, merch, videos and songs out at the beginning of the year.  You can come back here for links and updates.  If you are one of the few that still come back and check in on my music….thank you.